Recap: Banned Books Week - Read Out[video]

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McKillop Library hosted Salve Regina’s 2015 Banned Books Week Celebration from September 28 through October 1st. Six faculty members held open classes in the library to discuss the effects of censorship on their discipline, facilitating discussions on such topics as “Banned Recordings and Early Blues” and “For our own good: Censorship and the Utopian Tradition.” The culminating event was a Banned Books Read-Out on Thursday evening, in which members of the Salve community, including faculty, staff, students, and members of the Circle of Scholars, read passages from their favorite banned books. Highlights included performances of censored plays by Salve Regina theater students and an interpretation of Catcher in the Rye by Salve Regina dance students.

LIB-6890 BANNED BOOKS POSTER.pdf (1992 kB)
Banned Books Week 2015 Poster



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