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The research in this paper is a deep dive into the actions of Border Patrol on migrants and refugees and their effects on the individual. This includes impacts on mental health, child development, resettlement prevention, and racism and discrimination within border patrol itself. To understand all of this and how wide reaching all of this goes there needs to be a reflection on the history and policies of Border Patrol and the Government behind it.
The problem with patrolling our borders is that there are consequences on the U.S. as a nation and unintended consequences on those individuals migrating into the country. These individuals are Asylum-Seekers, Refugees, and migrants looking for assistance as well as the betterment of their current situations.
Unfortunately, in our longing for self-reliance and an overall safer environment within the U.S., we have found that we are hurting those that our country was truly built on. How do border patrol agents and their actions affect migrants, refugees, and asylum-seekers?
There are negative effects and impacts on mental health, child development, prevention of resettlement, and racism and discrimination. This is all because of the policies put in place, inadequate officer training, the current political divide, and the media portrayal of the refugee crisis in the country.



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