This series documents the later stages of construction, landscaping and furnishing of the mansion. There is very little information about the planning and design process or the primary construction of the building. Construction of the house officially spanned the years 1888 to 1891, but it appears that many smaller tasks of decorating the interior and completing the gardens continued well into the mid 1890s.
The folders titled "Expenses related to construction..." contain many receipts and correspondence from Richard Morris Hunt, who seemed to be working as the project manager, overseeing even the last stages of decoration and exterior work. Receipts from his firm cease shortly after his death in July 1895.
The "landscape expenses" files document work that was done on the grounds after the Olmsteds' work was completed. Some of these details were overseen by James H. and Ernest Bowditch. Many Newport companies from the turn of the century are represented in this series, and many local individuals are named.
This series was digitized and described as University Rhode Island Graduate School of Library and Information Studies Professional Field Experience project by Jennifer Stich.