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This thesis speaks about the The RIBGHE (Rhode Island Board of Governors of Higher Education), formally known as Eisenhower grant. The Science and Mathematic faculty at Salve Regina University have been working under the Eisenhower and RIBGHE Partnership Grant for the past 8 years. It had multiple benefits. It was through the RIBGHE, that there were three cornerstones the driving force behind this senior thesis; 1) introducing technology in the high schools in R.I. 2) introducing new pedagogical methods in science education and 3) training teachers to develop inquiry-based curricular materials. PACO Scientific, which is one of the new major manufactures of state-of-the art educational technology, linked the grant program to develop guided inquiry curriculum for high school science teachers and served as an excellent tool for the training of the high school teachers. But it was also through this experiment that it was realized how much the grant did for the local community. The RIBGHE grant provided a service to the local high schools. It introduced new teaching methods to Rhode Island schools that need improvements with its curricular standards. The grant also helped professional development and certification of high school science teachers that might not normally be able to do so on their own. But probably most importantly for the students, the grant delivered the latest technology to high schools that might normally be able to afford such lab equipment. However overall, the grant allowed the expertise of the joined faculty- student team help bring high school science education to the 21st century in the local community.



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