Rare Book Salon 2024: Disquisitionum Magicarum

Rare Book Salon 2024: Disquisitionum Magicarum


In March 2024, Salon participants, librarians and faculty from the department of Art and Art History examined and evaluated Jesuit priest Martin del Rio's Investigations into Magic, A Guide for Combatting Witchcraft. Archivist and Special Collections Librarian Liza Tietjen described the purpose of the Rare Book Salon and selection of Investigations into Magic ; Systems and Technology Librarian Edward Iglesias detailed the context, history, and significance of del Rio's work; Professor Ernie Jolicouer provided historical context and description of the engraving process used by the book's craftspeople; Professor Susannah Strong described the bookmaking process and how close examination uncovered several repairs made to the book through its lifetime; and Dr. Anthony Mangieri led salon participants through a close investigation of the cover page's illustrations and their meaning.


Submissions from 2024


Some observations on the Sources Used in Martin Del Rio’s "Disquisitionum Magicarum Libri Sex" ("Six Books on Magical Investigations"), Edward Iglesias

Video of Rare Books Salon: The Catholic Church, Demonology & Witchcraft: Martin Del Rio’s Investigations into Magic: March 20, 2024, Edward Iglesias, Ernest Jolicouer, Anthony Mangieri, Susanna Strong, and Liza Tietjen