The Incorporation of an Ethics Framework in the Development of Emerging Information Technology Systems


As a corporate technology veteran of twenty-five years, this author considers himself fortunate to have worked with some of the world’s leading companies in the development of their information technology programs. These companies have spanned nearly every industry including banking, retail and healthcare, but all shared the common purpose of leveraging technology for competitive advantage in the accumulation of profit. Throughout the development lifecycle of these programs, the systems design and implementation have required tremendous innovation and novel approaches to problem solving given recent technological revolutions. Although a review of regulatory mandates and relevant laws are part of the planning process, it’s interesting to note that in the development of these technologies, there was no standard methodology to consider the ethical implications of these systems. Why is ethics an afterthought in the design of these technology programs? With the frequent technological breakthroughs occurring across virtually every business segment, the timing is certainly relevant to begin integrating a standard methodology to review the ethical considerations of corporate initiatives into the information technology design process. This dissertation focuses on The Incorporation of an Ethics Framework in the Development of Emerging Information Technology Systems.

First Advisor

Daniel Cowdin

Date of Award


Document Type

