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Theses/Dissertations from 2025
Using Nuclear Forces to Reconcile Status Deficits in China and Russia: Status and Identity Perception as Motivating Drivers of Change, Nicole Klingensmith
The Failure of Poland’s Intermarium Policy in the Interwar Period, Matthew Zalewski
Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems and the Potential of Moral Injury, Jonathan W. Alexander
Wellness Initiative for Employees Working in Long-Term Care, Sanh Angkhavong, Natasha C. Beasley, and Marie O. Woolery
Wellness Initiative for Employees Working in Long-Term Care, Natasha C. Beasley, Sanh Angkhavong, and Marie O. Woolery
Increasing Identification of High Fall Risk in Community-Dwelling Seniors 65 and Older Through Primary Care Screening Using the STEADI Three Key Questions Fall Risk Screening Tool, Michelle Blade Mello
The Sociological Phenomena of the Female Performance Exploring Femininity in the Photographs of Diane Arbus, Victoria A. Cuartas
Departure From Neutrality: Normative Europeanization, Strategic Alignment, and the Path-Dependent Case of Post-Cold War Swedish Integration Into NATO, Zachariah V. Dickens
The Erosion of Civic Virtue: How Recruiting Technology Changed the All-Volunteer Force, Scott L. Efflandt
Beyond Bias: The Ethics of Risk-Based Artificial Intelligence Decision-Making in the Criminal Justice System, Eric L. Epps
Thirdness as a Tool for Socio-Ethical Transformation in Group Improvisational Play, Loretta D. Fois
God's Laughing Too: Sacralization Through Stand-Up Comedy, Kathleen Marie Jaczynski
The Moral and Rational Inquiry of Sub-Saharan Africa’s Armed Conflicts: Wars and Peace in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Francis Eliya Lomami
Unraveling the Pseudo Statehood of Lebanon: A Critique of Consociationalism in Lebanon, Ramy Makar
The Restoration of Psyche: Heidegger, Ellul, and the Question of Technology in Clinical Psychological Science, Donald R. Marks
The Incorporation of an Ethics Framework in the Development of Emerging Information Technology Systems, Richard Mumford
The Reading Wars: Ideological and Pedagogical Conflicts Ignited by the Writings of Rudolf Flesch, Siobhan Mumford
The Politics of Frivolity: American Neopopulism and Decadence, Daniel O'Keefe
Transcending Dichotomies: Hilma af Klint's Confluence of Science and Spiritualism in Atom and the Tree of Knowledge, Rachel Villari
Implementation of an Electronic Medical Record Clinical Reminder for Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Treatment for Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Mary Kay Wegman
Chief Talking Points: A Case Study of the Fourteen Chiefs of Mission of the United States Interests Section in Havana, Cuba, From September 1, 1977, to July 20, 2015, Carol LaMastra Weil
Wellness Initiative for Employees Working in Long-Term Care, Marie O. Woolery, Sanh Angkhavong, and Natasha C. Beasley
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
More than Magic, Radiation-Induced Oral Mucositis Prevention, Yaqueline Arjona
Military Effectiveness, Moral Injury, and the Just War Tradition in Western History, Thomas Reagan Beall
Inquiry into the Transmutation of United States Special Operations Forces Social Kinds, Charles N. Black
The U.S. Special Operations Command’s Hyper-Enabled Team: Daedalus and Icarus Redux?, David Blitch
Arming the Quad: U.S. Foreign Military Sales to Australia, Japan, and India amidst U.S.-China Strategic Competition from the Quad's Founding to AUKUS, 2004-2021, Vernon Raymond Dennis
That Cloudy Place Where Stars Are Born: How the K’Iche’ Maya Construct Meaning From Death Rituals, Eoghain J. Hamilton
Empowering the Underserved Classroom: Web Technology as a Conduit for STEAM and Inquiry-Based Learning, Lorenzo L. Kellam
State Sponsorship of Self-Determination Movements: Does Sponsorship Really Lead to Autonomy Concessions?, Thomas Charles Kerr
An Analysis of the Challenges of Islamic Vaccination Resistance to Disease Eradication Programs and Recommended Mitigations, Ryan Kierman
China’s Foreign Policy in Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and the Islamic Republic of Iran: Exploring China’s Renewed Diplomacy in the Region, Gerald J. Krieger
Evaluation of a Leadership Focused Graduate Nurse Development Program, April Lyn McGrath
China’s Belt and Road Initiative: Is it Really Influencing the Geopolitical Landscape?, Terence Nicholas
Provider Review: Evaluating Individual Criteria to Support Cannabis Use Disorder, Nique Pichette
The Russo-Ukrainian Pre-War Crisis: A Comparative Test of Rational Choice, Expected Utility, Poliheuristic, and Prospect Theories to Explain the War's Outbreak, Daniel Jonathan Reisner
Apping Back to Life: Mobile Phone Mediations in Refugee-Constructed Narratives of Forced Displacement, Karina Stiles-Cox
Effect of Short-Term Home Follow-Up Visits on Readmissions of Veterans With Heart Failure, Oleg Tatsiyenko
Ernest Hemingway: The Sustainable Effect of Creative Writing as a Therapeutic Technology Infused by Cubism, Frances Anne Thayer
Sociological Propaganda Through an Ellulian Lens: Developments in Modern China, Paul Tilton
The Evolving Relationship between Malaysia and the People’s Republic of China, John Lawrence Weed
American Fashion at the New York World's Fair 1939-1940: Spectacle, Gender, and the Invention of American Style, Lauren Dewing Whitley
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Withstanding Pressure: The impact of Transnational Forces and Social Force on Political Structures in the Iranian Green Movement of 2009 and the Arab Spring in Egypt during 2011, Adil Mahfoodh Al-Naimi
Not of Woman Born? Extra-Uterine Destining and the Individual, Social and Spiritual Implications of Ectogenesis, Laura Johnson Dahlke
Machiavelli in Modernity: The Prince's Continued Relevancy as Reflected in the Fall of Imperial Russia, Amanda Darling
A Handbook for Overwhelmed Educators in a Post-trauma World: The Case for Incorporating the Expressive Arts into the High School ELA and Undergraduate College Writing Classrooms, Lori Michelle Hawks
Toward a Theory of Internet Memoir: A Content Analysis of Grief-Related Storytelling in Social Media, Marianne Stochmal Heffernan
Designing a Curriculum for Addressing Human Enhancement and Transhumanism, Kevin McDonald
The Implementation of Screening Pediatric Patients Ages 8–11 for Depression with a Screening Tool in the Outpatient Setting, Angelica Muscatelli
The Industrial Brontë Sisters: Advocates for Women in a Turbulent Age, Taten Coleman Shirley
Teamwork: The Strongest Virtue in Hospice, Rebecca Souza
Thomas Aquinas, defensor hominis integralis: The Enduring Relevance of Thomistic Anthropology in a Technological Age, Joseph Upton
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Preferred Learning Styles of Retail Health Providers: A Pilot Quality Improvement Project, Meaghan Elizabeth Bechard
Fundamentally Human: Creating a Response to Technological Unemployment Based on the Papal Encyclicals, Donna Marie Gamache-Griffiths
"The Algorithm Did It": Legal Responsibility and the Regulation of Artificial Intelligence, Laurel Luise King
Freethought for the Masses: The Philosophy behind the Writings and Publications of Emanuel Haldeman-Julius, Orson Kingsley
Investigating Nursing Faculty and Student Expectations and Knowledge regarding Concept-Based Learning and Health Literacy, Olivia Elise Krampen
Cervical Cancer Screening in Primary Care: A Provider-Based Intervention with Shared Decision-Making to Evaluate Guideline Adherence, Olivia Milena Maxell
Dervish Oral Poetry in Somalia: A Study in Semiotic Chora, Erin Meehan
Identity and Terrorism, Michael Pearson
The Monster in Our Midst: Society’s Perspectives of Convicted Felons, Jose Perez
Use of a Palliative Performance Scale (PPSv2) Tool in a Skilled Nursing Facility, Sandra Maria Perrotta
Acculturation Strategies of Cold War and Post-Soviet Immigrants in the United States, Robin Ann Smith
Self-Administered Psychotherapy for Chronic Non-Cancer Pain and Depression, Julia Sylvia
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
HCV Birth Cohort Screening Guideline Implementation: A Change of Practice, Danielle Crowell
Coming Back to Ourselves: Teacher Identity in a Digital Age, Monique Charline Harrington
Improving Provider Sexual Health Education for Male Post Deployment Veterans, David Selasi Kwami
Improving Pre-Diabetes Knowledge and Management Among Adults in Primary Care Using Text Messaging, Ruth McNally
Concerning Water as the Archai: Acheloios, Thales, and the Origin of Philosophy: A Dissertation Providing Philosophical, Mythological, and Archaeological Responses to the Neo-Marxians, Nicholas J. Molinari
Visual and Literary Representations of Memory and Meaning of the Atomic Bomb at Hiroshima-Nagasaki, Gina Palmer
Mindful Balance (Breathe Act Learn about ‘Now’ Care Every Day): A Pilot Project for Depressed Female Adolescents, Beverly Waldman Rich
HELP: Hydration for Loss and/or Prevention, Samara Russell
Transgender: Science, Nature, and Virtue, Jake Thibault
Three Perspectives on Happiness, from Ancient to Modern: Aristotle, Adam Smith, and Martin E.P. Seligman, Patrick D. Wong
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
A Christian Ethics of Care as a Spiritual Model: Its Pastoral Applications and Relevance, Eugene Rice Anthony III
Exploration of factors that influence advance care planning for primary care patients, Kelly E. Baxter
A Postmodern History of the New Testament Canon during the First Five Centuries, Ray H. Byrd
Cognitive Enhancement, the Super Soldier and Beyond: Expanding Discourse Over Emerging Disruptive Technology, Denise M. Crimmins
The Slug of Modernity: Economic and Cultural Entanglement on Pohnpei, 1844-2019, Jonathan Gourlay
Moving Towards Jus Post Bellum: An Analysis of Three Contemparory Writers Through a Kantian Lens, Sara Kourtsounis
Digging the Dog: Anthropology and Archeology in Human-Canine Relationships and Encounters With the Sacred, Tracie Ann Laliberte
El Jefe Máximo: How Manuel Noriega Came to Power and Sustained His Regime, Peter Joseph Moons
The Aura of 660 Fifth Avenue: Alva Vanderbilt, Richard Morris Hunt, and the Emergence of American Luxury, Catherine Lee Moran
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: Youth, Seminary, and the Controversy at Lourdes, Linda D. Pastryk
Quilting, Cross-Stitch, and Community: The Technological Enhancement of Artistic Focal Practices in the Work of Chawne Kimber, Nova McConnico Seals
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Singularitarianism and the New Millennium: Techno-Theology in the Transhumanist Age of Re-Enchantment, Albert R. Antosca
Technohumanity: Films as a Lens for Examining How Humans and Technology Co-shape the World, Chelsea Paige Buffington
Cyber-Jihad: Waging Virtual Terror to Create an Online Caliphate, Lauren E. Forcucci
From Pillar to Pillory U.S. Navy Crimes of Command 1945-2015, Michael Junge
Consider the Audiobook or the Hermeneutics of Close Listening: Literary Sound Studies, Critical Theory, and David Foster Wallace's Literary Journalism, Ryan Matthew Marnane
Marx's Materialist Sociology of Knowledge: Colliding Empirical Frameworks of Consciousness, Todd James Mele
Networks of Survival in Kinshasa, Mumbai, Detroit, and Comparison Cities; an Empirical Perspective, Beryl S. Powell
The Sentinel: American-Jewish Weekly Coverage in Chicago of Nazi Persecution of European Jewry and the Holocaust, 1930-1947, Norah Lynn Schneider
The Digital Incunabula: The Future of Storytelling in the Digital Age, Michael Lester Scully
The Namibian Genocide: Reframing the Conflict to Explore Intercultural Connectivity, Inclusiveness and Accurate Memorialization, Lamont Slater